Welcome to my Lesson 6 web map application. If the data does not render, please zoom in. This map shows the percentage of Urban Tree Canopy in Washington, DC using a ClassBreaksRenderer. During this lesson I learned how to render symbology and legends programmatically using an existing REST web service. In addition, I also learned how to create a pop-up window for my webapps programmatically. There were two issues I found challenging during this lesson regarding the layers I chose for my deliverable. At first, I chose a corn production service that already had pop-ups. I could not figure out how to override those existing popups so mine would show up instead, so I switched to the Urban Tree Canopy layer. Another challenge I had was with my tree canopy layer. The existing service layer had a scale dependency in use which I could not figure out how to override. I can use what I have learned to create custom symbology along with modifications to pop-ups above the defaults as needed at work.