Welcome to my Lesson 7 web map application. This webmapping application shows the reqults of the 2016 UK Referendum to Leave or Remain in the EU. The application shows ClassBreakRendering of the reaults of counties located in regions throughout the UK. If the predominant value of votes was to stay in the EU then the renderer shows shading based on precentage of winning votes in three class breaks of 0-10%, 10-20% and over 20%. Likewise, if the winning percentage of votes was for leaving the EU then the three class rendering will show that for those regions. The application also has a user search by layer prompt to select UK regions. Once a region match is made in the search widget prompt, the application zooms to show that region selected. My biggest challange during this lesson was initially determining how to display class break renderings based on the voting percentage predominance categories. I was over thinking how to represent that using an arcade expresssion and could not figure out how to incorporate a predeominance arcade expression. Once I realized I could create a class break renderer without an arcade expression I was able to move past that point of the programming assignment. During this lesson I learned how to include a search widget programmatically into my applications. I also had the technique of programming a section at a time, then testing until it worked before moving onto the next object of the code for more testing. This helped me break the code down into workable sections and make sure it worked so I could figure out what wasn't working and why. This lession will be helpful for many reasons in my current employment. The major takeaway is that I will be able to prompt users and make a customized application more functional and searchable while displaying cool customized graphics.